موارد موثر بر قیمت طراحی لوگو

یکی از مواردی که واقعاً بر قیمت طراحی لوگو تأثیر می گذارد این است که برای طراحی به چه کسی مراجعه می کنید. معمولا فریلنسرهایی که شروع می کنند; آنها برای طراحی لوگو قیمت نسبتا پایینی از شما دریافت می کنند.

علاوه بر این، با استفاده از خدمات شرکت ها یا طراحان معروف که بسیار محبوب شده اند، می توانید هزینه را افزایش دهید. فقط باید با کمکی که به دیگران می کنید، تبعیض آمیزتر باشید. یا از یک لوگوی شگفت انگیز همراه با آن استفاده کنید تا پول زیادی بپردازید.



What Is a Backlink?

A backlink is a hyperlink pointing to a page on your site:


Put in layman’s terms:

A backlink is a scenario where one page on the internet references a page on your website and includes a clickable link to access that page.

For example, this clickable text is a backlink to my personal website.

“Backlink” is an umbrella term that includes a whole bunch of other search engine optimization terminology. Here’s the quick summary of some of those other jargony-phrases that you’ll see thrown around:

  • Internal link/Incoming link – a link from one part of your website to another (this is also called a backlink. That being said, “backlinks” usually refer to links from other websites). You’ll also see people refer to this as internal linking, inlinks, or interlinking.
  • Inbound link – a link from one website to a page on your website (these are the types of backlinks that everyone is after)
  • Referral link – a link to a webpage (this could come from an email, a Microsoft Word doc, etc).
  • Outbound link/External link – a link to a page on a different website (i.e. a link to another website). If you link to mynewwebsite.com, you would refer to that link as an external link. The good people at mynewwebsite.com would refer to that as an inbound link for their site.
  • Anchor link – a link on one page to a different section of that page (you’ll sometimes see this in long articles as a way for readers to jump from one section to the next)

Fair warning: we’re about to get super granular on the history of backlinks. Don’t worry, we won’t be offended if you skip this part and go down to “What’s the best way to get backlinks?”

^ just click that anchor link if you want to skip this next section:

Why Do Backlinks Matter?

Short answer: because Google says so. And Google brings the average website 50% of their total online traffic.

Back in 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin created the idea of PageRank – a hierarchical system designed to evaluate the best resources on the internet in terms of their link profile. In other words, website A would rank higher than website B if A has 10 more links pointing to it than B.

PageRank became one of the most important search engine ranking factors in Google’s algorithm. In other words, the number of website links that a website has become one of the most important ranking factors.

So what happened once Google became more popular?

Website owners started to buy thousands of backlinks. Overnight, new websites would start ranking at the top of Google search results for valuable search terms.

Since that time, Google and the other popular search engines has started to crack down on practices like this (often referred to as black hat SEO) with Penguin algorithm updates. These updates penalize sites that buy backlinks or acquire thousands of low-quality backlinks:

  1. http://www.connectingpeople.co.in/2016/01/urgently-required-for-electricians-and.html
  2. http://32-songs.greenideas.com/2010/05/day-11-song-from-your-favourite-band.html
  3. http://blog.payproservices.com/2009/05/tax-breaks-available-for-taxpayers-who.html
  4. http://www.sabrinadeeberry.com/2019/11/last-market-of-2019-all-i-want-for.html
  5. http://www.actuallyerica.com/2017/05/mothers-day-with-my-mother-2017.html
  6. http://www.myspacestoragelive.com/2014/03/six-helpful-tips-to-improve-local-seo.html
  7. http://www.insuranceemart.com/2015/01/hong-kong-federation-of-insurers-hkfi.html
  8. http://www.printingpressjeddah.net/2015/10/printing-press-services-in-saudi-arabia.html
  9. http://www.customwallpaper4u.com/2011/11/textile-inspired-wallpaper-houndstooth.html
  10. http://www.batonrougeroofingcontractor.com/2009/08/garcia-roofing-and-sheet-metal-is.html

So do backlinks still matter today?

Short answer: yes.

Today, the number of linking websites that a site has still matters a lot (as of late 2016, it was the ranking factor that is most strongly correlated with search rankings). But the quality of linking sites matters much more than the quantity.

Think of it this way: 1 link from a high-quality website like the New York Times is worth more than a link from 50 blogs that you’ve never heard of.

In short, the best way to rank higher on Google for the terms that your customers are actively searching for is to get high-quality backlinks.

Which brings us to our next section:

Source: What is a Backlink

مرکز بازی آنلاین

بازی آنلاین

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامه? آزاد

بازی آنلاین (انگلیسی: Online game‎) یک بازی ویدئویی است که به طور جزئی یا عمدتاً از طریق اینترنت و یا هر شبکه کامپیوتری دیگری در دسترس است.

 جستارهای وابسته[ویرایش]

  • بازی ویدئویی چندنفره
  • بازی برخط چندنفره گسترده
  • بازی های تحت مرورگر


  • مشارکت‌کنندگان ویکی‌پدیا. «gameon». در دانشنامه? ویکی‌پدیای انگلیسی، بازبینی‌شده در 11 آوریل 2018.

 پیوند به بیرون[ویرایش]